Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Luke Chapter 8 & 9

Chapters 8 & 9 (Context & Essay Questions)


Context Questions

1 (a) “Once there was a man who went out to sow grain. As he scattered the seed in the field, some of it fell along the path, where it was stepped on and the birds ate it up.” Luke 8 : 5

What did the seed represent in this parable ? [1m]

The seed represented the word of God.

On what other types of ground did the seed fall and what happened to the plants that grew from them ? [4m]

- some fell along the path where it was stepped on birds ate it up.

- some fell on rocky ground, and when the plants sprouted, they dried up because the soil has no moisture.

- Some seeds fell among bushes, which grew up with the plants and these choked them.

- some fell in good soil and the plants grew and bore many grains.

(b) One day when Jesus was praying alone, the disciples came to him, “Who do the people say that I am?” Luke 9:18

What answer did the disciples give Jesus? [1m]

- “some say you are John the Baptist, others say you are Elijah or you one of the prophets of long ago who has come back to life.”

What was Peter’s answer? [1m]

- You are God’s Messiah.

What was Jesus’ response to Peter’s statement? [4m]

- he told them about his coming death.

- he told them not to tell this to anyone

- he said that the Son of Man must suffer much and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and the teachers of the Law.

- He will be put to death but 3 days later will be raised to life.

(c) And Jesus said, “who touched me?” Luke 8:45

What had happened to make Jesus ask this question? [2m]

- Jesus was on his way to Jairus’s house and he felt someone touched him and the power flowed out from him.

- A woman who had been suffering from severe bleeding for 12 years came up in the crowd and touched the edge of Jeus’ cloak.

How did the person concerned admit her action? [2m]

- The woman came trembling and threw herself at Jesus’ feet.

- She told Jesus why she had touched him and how she had been healed at once.

What did Jesus say to reassure her? [1m]

- Jesus called her “My daughter” and told her that her faith had made her well and asked her to go in peace.

(d) “Master, how good it is that we are here! We will make three tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah…” Luke 9:33

Who were Peter’s companions when he said this? [1m]

- John and James

What had they seen happen to Jesus just before this? [2m]

- they saw Jesus’ face changed in appearance while he was praying and his clothes dazzling white.

- Also 2 men were talking with him who were Moses and Elijah.

How was Peter’s suggestion answered? [2m]

- a cloud above covered them and a voice from above spoke.

- God told them in that voice, “This is my Son whom I have chose – listen to Him.!”

Essay Question (choose one)

2 (a) Relate the incident of the stilling of the storm. [10m]

- one day Jesus and his disciples were sailing across the Lake of Galilee.

- Jesus fell asleep.

- Suddenly a strong wind blew and the boat began to fill with water.

- They were in danger and the disciples became terrified.

- They went to wake Jesus up telling Him that they were going to die.

- Jesus woke up and ordered the wind and the storm to quiet down.

- At once, the winds and stormy waters obeyed him and everything became calm.

- Disciples were amazed and afraid and wondered what kind of a man Jesus was to be able to command winds and waves to obey Him.

- Jesus asked them where their faith was.

- They realized Jesus must be someone very different bcos He gave orders to the winds and waves and they obeyed Him.

(b) What does this incident show about Jesus’ nature?

- this incident shows that Jesus had authority over the forces of nature and that He must be the Son of God.

Mention another miracle involving nature ( Chp 5:5-7) [5m]

- Jesus was on the shore at Lake Gennesarat. He saw 2 boats and got into one which was owned by Simon.

- He sat down and started to teach the crowd.

- He asked Simon to push boat out into the deep and let their nets down for a catch.

- Simon was reluctant bcos he tried the whole night and had caught nothing.

- But when he obeyed Jesus, he found that his nets were almost breaking and had caught many fish until he had to call James and John to help.

- Simon recognized the miracle was something to do with the power of God.


3 (a) Describe the parable of the sower. [4m]

- The parable of the sower was about a man who went out to sow see.

- As he scattered the seeds in the field, some fell along the path where it was stepped on and eaten up by the birds.

- Some fell on rocky ground and when plants grew up, they dried up bcos the soil had no moisture.

- Some fell among bushes and were choke by them

- Some fell in good soil and plants grew and bore a hundred grains each.

(b) How did Jesus explain this parable to his disciples ? [5m]

- He told them that seed represents the word of God.

- Seeds that fell along path stand for those who hear the word of God, however when the devil comes, he takes the message away from them to keep them from believing and being saved.

- The seeds that fell on rocky ground stand for those who hear the word and receive it gladly. But the word does not sink deeply into them. They believe only for a while and when testing comes, they fall away.

- Seeds that fell among bushes stand for those who hear the word but the worries and riches and pleasures of life crowd in and choke them and their fruit never ripens.

- Seeds that fell in good soil stand for those who hear the word and retain it in a good and obedient heart. They persist until they bear fruit.

(c) what point was Jesus making when he told this parable? [3m]

- Jesus wanted the crowd to know that it was important to have the right response to hearing the word of God as taught by him.

- If they receive it like the good soil, then they will bear a rich harvest in their lives.

- However, if their hearts are like that of the path, the rocky soil or the thorn bushes, then they will not bear any fruits in their lives.

(d) Why did Jesus speak in parables? [3m]

- Bcos parables contain hidden truths

- and Jesus used them to test whether people genuinely wanted to find out about the Kingdom of God.

- The sincere seekers will persist in asking for the meaning of the parables while those who just listen would not bother to pursue the meaning.

Luke Chapter 7

Chapter 7 (Long Questions) 25 minutes


Choose 1 (one) out of the following 2 (two) questions:

1) a) Give an account of the healing of the Roman officer’s servant at Capernaum. [9]

Chp 7:1-10

- Jesus was in Galilee. After teaching on the plain, he went to Capernaum.

- There was a Roman officer who had a servant who was very dear to him. This servant was sick and about to die.

- When the officer heard about Jesus, he sent Jewish elders to ask Jesus to come and heal his servant.

- They begged Jesus to help the Roman officer and said to Jesus that the officer was worthy to have Jesus help him.

- So Jesus went with them. But he was not far from the house when the officer sent friends to tell Jesus not to trouble himself by coming. The Roman officer considered himself unworthy to have Jesus enter his house nor to meet Jesus in person. The officer was a humble man.

- He compared Jesus’ relationship with God to his relationship with his soldiers. As a soldier who was under authority and one who had others under his authority, he knew that commands would be obeyed immediately by those who were under authority.

- The officer told Jesus to just give the order and his servant would be healed.

- Jesus marvelled at the officer’s faith and told the crowd that he had never found anyone with faith like this, not even among God’s own people.

- When the officers’ messengers went back, they found the servant healed becos of the master’s faith.

b) State four differences between this healing and the raising of the widow’s son at Nain. [4]

Healing of the Roman officer’s servant

Healing of the Widow’s son

1. He was sick and about to die

The man was already dead.

2. Roman officer himself sent people to ask Jesus to help heal his servant.

Jesus himself took the initiative to help the widow.

3. The Roman officer had faith in Jesus to heal his servant.

The widow did not have to exercise any faith on her part.

4. Jesus did not even go near the servant but healed him from a distance

Jesus spoke to the young man and asked him to get up.

c) With reference to both incidents, how did Jesus act in a way contrary to Jewish Customs? [2] (SPM 1993)

Despite the fact that the Roman officer was a Gentile, Jesus readily agreed to go even though entering a Gentile home would defile him. Normally Jews would have nothing to do with Gentiles.

Touching a coffin would defile a person and make him ceremonially unclean. Thus when Jesus came up to the coffin and touched it, he probably shocked the coffin bearers and they stopped. According to the ceremonial law, he would thus be unclean and would need to undergo certain rites in order to become clean again.


2) Jesus often used a physical touch to show compassion to people.
Describe the 2 incidents in which this is clearly seen in his

a) healing of a leper and…. (5:12-15) [4]

- Jesus was in a town where there was a man who was suffering from a dreaded skin disease. When the man saw Jesus, he threw himself down and begged Jesus to heal him saying, “Sir, if you want to, you can make me clean.”

- Jesus reached out, touched him and answered, “ I do want to. Be clean!” Immediately the man was healed.

- Jesus ordered the man not to tell anyone but to go to the priest and let the priest examine him. Then he was to offer the sacrifice as ordered by the Law of Moses to prove to everyone that he was cured.

- However, the news about Jesus continued to spread all the more widely and crowds of people came to hear him and be healed from their diseases.

b) raising of a young man who had died. (7:11-17) [7]

- Jesus was in Nain and a funeral procession came out just as he arrived at the gate of the town. The dead person was the only son of a widow who was all alone without any male protector or provider.

- When Jesus saw her, he was filled with compassion for the woman. He told her not to cry.

- Jesus walked over and touched the coffin.

- The people carrying the coffin stopped.

- Then Jesus spoke to the dead man and asked him to get up. Immediately the man sat up and began to talk, Jesus gave the man back to his mother.

- Those who saw what happened were filled with fear and praised God. They saw Jesus as a great prophet who had come into their midst.

- As a result, Jesus’ fame continued to spread throughout the whole country and the surrounding territory.

Briefly comment on why His touch in each case went against the social

or religious customs of His day [4]

(SPM 1995)

refer pg A27

Healing of the leper

- The Levetical or ceremonial law considered skin disease as something that defiled a person and made him unclean before God. Thus anyone who touched a person suffering from the disease would be considered unclean as well. Socially, someone suffering from leprosy was impure and separated from others. They were considered physically unclean because the disease was infectious and sufferers were forbidden to approach other people. Thus by touching the man, Jesus was going against both the social and religious customs. And this was something that now Jew would do intentionally.

Raising a young man who had died

- Touching a coffin would defile a person and make him ceremonially unclean. When Jesus came up to the coffin and touched, he probably shocked the coffin bearers and they stopped. According to the ceremonial law, he would thus be unclean and would need to undergo certain rites in order to become clean again.

However, for Jesus, following the “law” of love and responding to the need of the widow in this case was more important than being restricted by a ceremonial law regarding outward cleanliness.

Luke Chapter 6

Chapter 6 (Context Questions) 25 minutes

1) a) “Why are you doing what our Law says you cannot do on the Sabbath?”

(Luke 6:2)

i) What were Jesus’ disciples doing that they were not supposed to do on the Sabbath? [1]

- they picked the heads of wheat, rubbed them in their hands and ate the grains.

ii) What is the Sabbath? [1]

- Sabbath is…

iii) What was Jesus’ answer [1]

iv) What did Jesus mean when he said that he was the Lord of the Sabbath? [2]

b) “I ask you: What does our Law allow us to do on the Sabbath? To help or to harm? To save a man’s life or to destroy it ?” (Luke 6:9)

i) On what occasion and to whom did Jesus say this? [1]

ii) What did he do after saying this? [2]

iii) How did his audience react and why? [2]

c) When day came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them..

( Luke 6:13)

i) What had Jesus done the night before? [1]

ii) Name the twelve disciples [2]

iii) What is the difference between a disciple and an apostle?[2]

d) “Happy are you poor, the kingdom of God is yours!” (Luke 6:20)

i) To who did Jesus say these words? [2]

ii) Name the 3 groups of people on the plain who had come to

Jesus? [3]

Chapter 6 ( Long Questions)


1 a) Give an account of the occasion when the disciples plucked grain on the Sabbath. [5]


- Jesus was walking through some wheat fields on a Sabbath and

His disciples began to pick some wheat, rub them in their hands and eat the grains.

- Some Pharisees asked them why they were doing what they cannot do on Sabbath.

- Jesus asked them whether they had read te scriptures about King David and his men. David and his men were hungry and they went to the house of God where David took the bread that was offered to God and ate it together with his men.

- Jesus pointed that although the action of David was against the Law, since only priests could eat that bread, he was not condemned for it.

- Then Jesus claimed that he, the Son of Man, the Messiah was the Lord of the Sabbath.

b) Describe the healing of the man with the paralysed hand. [5]

- Jesus was teaching in the synagogue on a Sabbath. A man whose right hand was paralysed was there.

- Some teachers of the Law and Pharisees wanted to accuse Jesus of doing wrong. So they watched Jesus closely to see if he would break the Sabbath law by healing the man and thus give them a chance to accuse him.

- Jesus was aware what was going on in the minds of the Pharisees. So he commanded the man with paralysed hand to stand up and come to the front where everyone could see what followed.

- He challenged the Pharisees and teachers of the Law with a question as to what is lawful to do on the Sabbath – to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to destroy it.

- When they failed to answer, Jesus asked the man to stretch out his hand and it was healed. They were angry and began to discuss among themselves what they could do to Jesus.

c) what can we learn about Jesus’ teaching concerning the Sabbath from these 2 incidents? [5]

refer to Pg A33

Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and has authority to interpret what should be the proper way to observe the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made by God for man and following it should not be so restricted by the rules that the primary needs of man are neglected. Thus Jesus taught that works or acts of necessity as well as acts of mercy were allowed to be carried out on the Sabbath.

Luke Chapter 5

Chapter 5 (Long Question) 25 minutes

1) a) Give an account of the call of Levi to be a disciple of Jesus including the feast held at Levi’s house. [6]

Chp 5:27-32

Jesus went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, called to him to follow Him.

Levi got up, left everything and followed Jesus.

Levi had a big feast in his house and invited Jesus, many tax collectors and other people.

Some Pharisees and teachers of the Law complained to Jesus’ disciples and asked why He ate and drank with the tax collectors and other outcasts.

Jesus answered that people who are well do not need a doctor but only those who are sick.

Jesus told them that He had come not to call the respectable to repent but the outcasts.

b) Mention another tax-collector whose house Jesus went to. Describe what happened in his house. [7]

Chp 19:1-10

Jesus was passing through Jericho and there was a rich chief tax collector there named Zacchaeus.

He was a little man, and because he could not see Jesus who was passing by, he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a sycamore tree.

Jesus saw him and called to him to come down because he was going to his house that day.

Zacchaeus came down and welcomed Jesus with joy into his house.

People who saw what happened started complaining and said that Jesus had gone as a guest to the home of a sinner.

Zacchaeus told Jesus he would give half of his belongings to the poor and if he had cheated anyone, he would pay back four times as much.

Jesus told Z that salvation had come upon his home because of his faith.

c) Comment on why the Jews hated the tax collectors in those days [2]

(SPM 2001)

Pg A29 in textbk

Tax collectors were hated by the Jews for 3 main reasons :

they collected money for the Romans who were ruling over Israel and Jews hated being under the ruling power of the Romans.

They were dishonest and collected more money from the people than they paid to the Romans. Thus they became rich at the expense of their fellow Jews.

The nature of their work meant that they were in frequent contact with Gentiles and that made them ceremonially unclean.

Luke Chapter 4

Chapter 4 (Context questions) 25 minutes


1) a) (Luk 4:33) In the synagogue was a man who had the spirit of an evil demon in him; he screamed out in a loud voice,

(Luk 4:35) Jesus ordered the spirit, "Be quiet and come out of the man!" The demon threw the man down in front of them and went out of him without doing him any harm. (SPM 1994)

i) When and where did this incident take place? [1]

What had the man cried out? [2]

What did the people say about Jesus on this account? [2]

b) (Luk 4:22) They were all well impressed with him and marveled at the eloquent words that he spoke. They said, "Isn't he the son of Joseph?"

(Miss Moey’s mid-year test, June 1998)

i) Where did this incident take place? [1]

ii) How did Jesus respond? [2]

Which two examples did Jesus quote from the Old Testament that made his listeners very angry? [2]

c) (Luk 4:1) Jesus returned from the Jordan full of the Holy Spirit and was led by the Spirit into the desert,

(Luk 4:2) where he was tempted by the Devil for forty days……

(SPM 1995)

i) How did Jesus feel at the end of forty days? [1]

Why did he feel this way? [1]

What was the first temptation faced by Jesus? [2]

How did he answer it? [1]

d) (Luk 4:38) Jesus left the synagogue and went to Simon's home. Simon's mother-in-law was sick with a high fever, and they spoke to Jesus about her.
(Luk 4:40) After sunset all who had friends who were sick with various diseases brought them to Jesus; ……………

i) What did Jesus do when he was told that Simon’s mother-in-law was sick? [1]

How did Jesus respond when the sick were brought to him? [2]

Why did come after sunset? [2]
